Northeast Elementary
Code of Conduct
- Instruction: I
Academic Achievement: IK
- Support Services: E
Accident Prevention Safety: EBB
- Support Services: E
Accident Reports: EBBB-R
- Foundations Commitment: A
Accreditation: AED
- Students: J
Administering Medication to Students: JLCD
- Students: J
Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students (Written Plan): JLCDB-E
- Students: J
Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students: JLCDB
- School-Community Relations: K
Administrative Guidelines Crisis Management: KDE-R
- Students: J
Admission of Homeless Students: JFABD
- Students: J
Admission of Non-Immigrant International Exchange Students: JFABB
- Board Governance: B
Advisory Committees: BDF
- Board Governance: B
Agenda: BEDB
- Fiscal Management: D
Annual Budget: DB
- Finance
- Personnel: G
Arrangements for Professional Staff Substitutes: GCGB
- Fiscal Management: D
Audits: DIE
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Authorized Signatures Check Writing: DGADGB
- Finance
- Students: J
Authorizing Private Health-Care Specialists to Provide Medically Necessary Treatment in School Settings: JLCDC-R
- Instruction: I
Basic Instructional Program: IHA
- Fiscal Management: D
Bidding Requirements: DJE
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Bidding Vendors: DJE-R
- Finance
- Board Governance: B
Board Member Qualifications: BBBA
- Board Governance: B
Board Officers: BDB
- Board Governance: B
Board Organizational Meeting: BDA
- Support Services: E
Bomb Threats: EBCC
- Support Services: E
Bomb Threats: EBCC-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Bonded Employees and Officers: DH
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Budget Hearings Reviews Dissemination: DBE
- Finance
Building and Ground Security: ECA
- Support Services: E
Building and Grounds Maintenance: ECB
- Support Services: E
Building and Grounds Maintenance: ECB-R
- Students: J
Bullying Prevention and Education: JICDE
- Support Services: E
Bus Driver Training - Testing: EEAEA
- Support Services: E
Bus Replacement Policy: EEC
- School-Community Relations: K
Business Sponsorships: KHB
- Instruction: I
Calendar Guides: IC-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Capital Assets: DID-1
- Finance
- Students: J
Cell Phone and Electronic Devices: JICJ
- Education Agency Relations: L
Charter Schools: LBD
- Instruction: I
Class Size: IIB
- Personnel: G
Classified Staff Recruiting: GDE-R
- Students: J
Classroom Removal of Disruptive Student by Teacher: JKBA
- Students: J
Classroom Removal of Disruptive Students: JKBA-R
- Students: J
Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities: JJ-R
- Students: J
Code of Conduct: JICDA
- Instruction: I
College Concurrent Enrollment: IHCD-E4
- Students: J
Communicable Diseases: JLCC
- Students: J
Communicable Diseases: JLCC-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Communication Pathways: KE-E
- Instruction: I
Community Education Program: IHD
- Instruction: I
Community Resource Person: IJOB
- School-Community Relations: K
Community Use of School Facilities: KF-KFB-KFC-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Community Use School Facilities: KF
- Instruction: I
Compensatory Education: IHBD
- Students: J
Complaint Procedures and Regulations Regarding the Use of Restraint or Seclusion: JKA-E-2
- Students: J
Compulsory Attendance Age: JEA
- Support Services: E
Computer Security: EHAA
- Support Services: E
Computerized Systems: EHA
- Education Agency Relations: L
Conducting Education Research: LC
- Personnel: G
Conflicts of Interest: GBEA
- Facilities Development: F
Construction Contracts Bidding and Award: FED-R
- Facilities Development: F
Construction Plans and Specifications: FED
- Personnel: G
Contractor Use of the Internet and Electronic communications: GBEE-1
- Personnel: G
Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing: GBECA
- Personnel: G
Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing: GBECA-R
- Personnel: G
Controlled Substance Medical Exception Procedures: GBECA-E2
- Education Agency Relations: L
Cooperative Education Programs: LBB
- Support Services: E
Copyright Compliance: EGAD
- Support Services: E
Copyright Compliance: EGAD-R-1
- Personnel: G
Criminal History Record Information: GBI
- School-Community Relations: K
Crisis Management
- School-Community Relations: K
Crisis Management Communications: KDEA
- School-Community Relations: K
Crisis Management: KDE
- Instruction: I
Curriculum Development: IG
- Support Services: E
Delay of Closing - Emergency School Closing - Delayed Start Schedule: EBCE-R
- Students: J
Denial of Admission and Exclusions from Attendance: JHD
- Fiscal Management: D
Depository of Funds: DG
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Depository of Funds: DGR
- Finance
- Support Services: E
Disaster Plan: EBCA
- Students: J
Discipline Contract Classroom Removal: JKBA-E
- Students: J
Discipline of Students with Disabilities: JK-2
- School-Community Relations: K
Distribution Posting Promotional Literature: KHC
- School-Community Relations: K
Distribution Posting Promotional Materials: KHC-R
- School-Community Relations: K
District Title 1 Advisory Council: KBA-E
- School-Community Relations: K
Donation Form: KHA-E
- Personnel: G
Drug Free Workplace: GBEC
- Instruction: I
Early Reading and Literacy Comprehension: ILBC-R
- Facilities Development: F
Educational Specifications: FEA
- Support Services: E
Emergency Plans: EBCA-R1
- Personnel: G
Employee Fringe Benefits: GCBD
- Personnel: G
Employee Protection: GBGB
- Personnel: G
Employee References: GBLA
- Instruction: I
English Second Language: IHBEA
- Students: J
Entrance Age Procedures: JEB-R
- Students: J
Entrance Age: JEB
- Students: J
Equal Educational Opportunities: JB
- Personnel: G
Equal Opportunity Employment: GBA
- Instruction: I
Evaluation of Instructional Program: IL
- Board Governance: B
Executive Session: BEC
- Instruction: I
Exemption Requirement Instruction: IMBB
- Fiscal Management: D
Expense Reimbursements: DKC
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Expense Reimbursements: DKC-R
- Finance
- Instruction: I
Extended Field Trip Request Form: IJOA-E2
- Students: J
Extracurricular Activities: JJ
- Facilities Development: F
Facilities Development: FA
- Facilities Development: F
Facilities Planning Adviser: FBA
- Facilities Development: F
Facilities Planning Advisory Committee: FBA-R
- Personnel: G
Federally-Mandated Family and Medical Leave: GBGF
- Personnel: G
Federally-Mandated Family and Medical Leave: GBGF-R
- Instruction: I
Field Trip and Excursions Chaperones: IJOA-E
- Instruction: I
Field Trips and Excursions Chaperone: IJOA-R2
- Instruction: I
Field Trips and Excursions: IHOA-R1
- Instruction: I
Field Trips and Excursions: IJOA
- Fiscal Management: D
Financial Reports and Statements: DIC
- Finance
- Support Services: E
Fire Drill: EBCB-R
- Students: J
First Aid: JLCE
- Fiscal Management: D
Fiscal Accounting Reporting: DI
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Fiscal Emergencies: DBH
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Fiscal Management Goals: DA
- Finance
- Students: J
Food Allergy: JLCDA
- Support Services: E
Food Purchasing: EFA
- Support Services: E
Food Services Management: EF
- Instruction: I
Form Application Post-Secondary Enrollment: IHCD-E
- School-Community Relations: K
Form Citizen Objection Curriculum Instructional Material: KEC-E
- School-Community Relations: K
Form Request for Public Records: KDB-2-E
- Education Agency Relations: L
Form Request to Conduct Research: LC-E
- Support Services: E
Free and Reduced School Food Services: EFC
- Support Services: E
Free and Reduced School Lunch: EFC-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Fund Transfers: DBJ
- Finance
- School-Community Relations: K
Gifts and Donations From Public: KHA
- School-Community Relations: K
Gifts and Donations From Public: KHA-R
- Personnel: G
Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff: GBEBC
- Instruction: I
Grade Change Forms: IKAC-R
- Instruction: I
Grade Change Policy: IKAC
- Instruction: I
Grading Assessment System Guidelines: IKA-R2
- Instruction: I
Grading Assessment System: IKA
- Instruction: I
Grading Assessment Systems - Exemption Procedure and Information to Parents and Guardians: IKA-R
- Instruction: I
Graduation Exercises: IKFB
- Instruction: I
Graduation Requirements: IKF-2
- Instruction: I
Graduation Requirements: IKF-R-1
- Fiscal Management: D
Grant Reimbursement Procedures: DDA
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Grants from Private Sources: DD
- Finance
- Students: J
Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion: JKD/JKE-E
- Students: J
Guidance Program: JLD
- Foundations Commitment: A
Harassment and Discrimination Investigation Procedures for Employees, Applicants for Employment and Members of the Public: AC-R-2
- Foundations Commitment: A
Harassment and Discrimination Investigation Procedures for Students: AC-R-1
- Support Services: E
Hazardous Material: EBAB
- Support Services: E
Hazardous Material: EBAB-R
- Instruction: I
Homebound Instruction: IHBF
- Instruction: I
Homeschooling: IHBH
- Instruction: I
Homework: IKB
- Instruction: I
IHAM - Health Education
- Students: J
Immunization of Students: JLCB
- Instruction: I
Instructional Goals Learning Objectives: IA
- Instruction: I
Instructional Materials: IJ
- Instruction: I
Instructional Materials: IJ-R
- Personnel: G
Instructional Staff Reduction in Force: GCQA
- Support Services: E
Insurance Management: EI
- Education Agency Relations: L
Intent to Apply to Become a District Charter School: LBD-E
- Students: J
Interrogations and Searches: JIH
- Students: J
Interscholastic Athletics: JJI
- Fiscal Management: D
Inventories: DID
- Finance
- School-Community Relations: K
KE - Public Complaints: KE
- Support Services: E
Liability Insurance: EIB
- Instruction: I
Library Materials Selection and Adoption: IJL
- Instruction: I
Literacy and Reading Assessments: ILBC
- Support Services: E
Maintenance and Control - Non Instructional: EDB
- Students: J
Medically Necessary Treatment in School Settings: JLCDC
- Board Governance: B
Minutes: BEDG
- Foundations Commitment: A
Name Changes: ACA
- Facilities Development: F
Naming of an Area of an Existing Facility: FF-R
- Facilities Development: F
Naming of Facilities: FF
- Negotiations: H
Negotiations Priority Objectives: HA
- School-Community Relations: K
News Releases: KDDA
- Foundations Commitment: A
Non-discrimination Equal Opportunity: AC-E-1
- Foundations Commitment: A
Nondiscrimination / Equal Opportunity: AC
- Foundations Commitment: A
Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity(Complaint Form): AC-E-2
- Board Governance: B
Notification of School Board Meetings: BEDA
- Support Services: E
Nutritious Food Choices: EFEA
- Students: J
Off Campus Behavior: JKB
Online Schools: DIA
- Students: J
Open Enrollment - Choice of Schools: JFBA
- Instruction: I
Organization of Instruction Grade Level Configuration: IE
- Instruction: I
Parent Conferences: IKACA
- School-Community Relations: K
Parent Engagement in Education: KA-1
- School-Community Relations: K
Parent Involvement: KBA
- Fiscal Management: D
Payday Schedule: DKA
- Finance
- Negotiations: H
Payment of Negotiations Costs: HJ
- Fiscal Management: D
Payroll Procedures: DKA-R
- Finance
- Personnel: G
Personnel Records and Files: GBJ
- Students: J
Physical Examination of Students: JJID
- Instruction: I
Pilot Projects: IGC
- Board Governance: B
Policy Dissemination: BGE
How policies are made available to the public.
- Instruction: I
Post-Secondary Enrollment Guidelines: IHCD-R
- Instruction: I
Post-secondary Enrollment Option: IHCD
- Instruction: I
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Contract: IHCD-E5
- Students: J
Pregnant/Married Students: JIE
- Support Services: E
Prevention Disease Infection: EBBA
- Support Services: E
Prevention Disease Infection: EBBA-R
- Instruction: I
Primary Pre-primary Education: IHBIB
- Students: J
Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information: JRCB
- Students: J
Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information: JRCB-R
- Education Agency Relations: L
Procedure for Approval of Surveys Form
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Certification Licensure and Credential Requirements: GCFC
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Recruiting: GCE-GCF
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Salary Schedules: GCBA-R
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars: GCL
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans Overtime: GCBC
- Personnel: G
Professional Staff Training Workshops and Conferences: GCID
- Instruction: I
Program for Gifted Students: IHBB
- Instruction: I
Programs for Gifted Students: IHBB-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Advertising in Schools: KH
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Complaints Curriculum Instructional Resources: KEC
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Complaints Curriculum or Instructional Resources: KEC-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Conduct on School Property: KFA
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Information Program: KD
- Board Governance: B
Public Participation at School Board Meetings: BEDH
- School-Community Relations: K
Public Records Fee Schedule: KDB-1-E
- School-Community Relations: K
Public's Right to Know - Freedom Information Public Records: KDB
- School-Community Relations: K
Public's Right to Know Freedom Information: KDB-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Purchasing Authority: DJ-DJA
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Purchasing Procedures: DJB-R
- Finance
- Education Agency Relations: L
Relations with District Charter Schools: LBD-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Relations with Election Authorities: KLB
- School-Community Relations: K
Relations with Parent Organizations: KBC
- School-Community Relations: K
Relations with State Agencies: KLG
- Personnel: G
Remote Work Policy: GBM
- Instruction: I
Repay Post-Secondary Options: IHCD-E3
- Personnel: G
Report of Assault on District Employees: GBGB-E
- Students: J
Reporting Child Abuse: JLF
- Students: J
Reporting Child Abuses: JLF-R
- Students: J
Request to be Accompanied by a Service Animal: JLIF-2
- Personnel: G
Resignation of Support Staff Members: GDQB
- Facilities Development: F
Retirement of Facilities: FCB
- Facilities Development: F
Retirement of Facilities: FDB-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Revenue from Investments: DFA
- Finance
- Fiscal Management: D
Revenues from Investments: DFA-R
- Finance
- Board Governance: B
Rules Of Order: BEDD
- Foundations Commitment: A
Safe Schools: ADD
- Foundations Commitment: A
Safe Schools: ADD-E
- Support Services: E
Safety Program: EB
- Fiscal Management: D
Salary Deductions: DKB
- Finance
- Students: J
School Admissions: JF
- Students: J
School Admissions: JF-R
- Students: J
School Attendance Areas: JC
- Board Governance: B
School Board Policy Process: BG
- Support Services: E
School Bus Safety Program: EEAE
- Support Services: E
School Bus Scheduling Routing: EEAC
- Support Services: E
School Bus Scheduling: EEAC-R
- Support Services: E
School Bus Use by Community: EEADA
- Instruction: I
School Calendar School Year: IC
- Support Services: E
School Closings and Cancellations: EBCE
- School-Community Relations: K
School Community Relations: KA
- Instruction: I
School Day: ID
- Foundations Commitment: A
School District Legal Status: AA
- Foundations Commitment: A
School District Mission and Outcome: ADA
- Support Services: E
School Owned Vehicle: EEBA-1
- Support Services: E
School Owned Vehicle: EEBA-R
- Fiscal Management: D
School Properties Disposal: DN
- Finance
School Use of Private Vehicle Form: EEAG-E
- Students: J
School-Related Student Publications: JICEA
- Personnel: G
Screening and Hiring: GCE-R/GDE-R
- Students: J
Screening Testing of Students: JLDAC
- Students: J
Secret Societies Gangs: JICF
- Support Services: E
Security - Access to Building: ECA-ECAB
- Students: J
Service Animal Agreement: JLIF-3
- Students: J
Service Animal Bus Letter Template: JLIF-6
- Students: J
Service Animal Class Letter Template: JLIF-4
- Students: J
Service Animal School Letter Template: JLIF-5
- Students: J
Service Animals Transportation: JLIF-1
- Students: J
Service Animals: JLIF
- Foundations Commitment: A
Sex-Based Harassment Investigation Procedures: AC-R-3
- Students: J
Sex-Based Harassment: JBB
- Personnel: G
Sexual Harassment: GBAA
- Personnel: G
Sick Leave: GBGG
- Facilities Development: F
Site Acquisition: FEE
- Facilities Development: F
Site Selection and Acquisition: FEE-R
- Instruction: I
Special Education Programs Disabled Students: IHBA
- Personnel: G
Staff Conduct: GBEB-R
- Personnel: G
Staff Conduct: GBEB-R-2
- Personnel: G
Staff Dress Code: GBEBA
- Personnel: G
Staff Health and Safety: GBGA
- Personnel: G
Staff Health and Safety: GBGA-R
- Negotiations: H
Staff Negotiating Organizations: HH
- Personnel: G
Staff Responsibilities: GBEB
- Personnel: G
Staff Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI): GBEE-R2
- Personnel: G
Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications: GBEE
- Personnel: G
Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications: GBEE-E
- Students: J
Stock Naloxone Policy: JLCD-R
- Students: J
Student Attendance: JH
- Students: J
Student Automobile Use Parking Lot: JIHB
- Students: J
Student Complaint and Grievances: JII
- Students: J
Student Complaints and Grievances: JII-R
- Support Services: E
Student Conduct on Bus: EEAEC
- Support Services: E
Student Conduct on Bus: EEAEC-R
- Students: J
Student Conduct on Buses: JICC
- Students: J
Student Conduct on Buses: JICC-R
- Students: J
Student Conduct: JIC
- Students: J
Student Demonstrations and Strikes: JIJ
- Students: J
Student Demonstrations and Strikes: JIJ-R
- Students: J
Student Discipline: JK
- Students: J
Student Discipline: JK-R
- Students: J
Student Dismissal Precautions: JLIB
- Students: J
Student Dismissal Precautions: JLIB-R
- Students: J
Student Distribution Non-Curricular Materials: JICEC
- Students: J
Student Distribution Non-Curricular Materials: JICEC-R
- Students: J
Student Dress Code: JICA
- Students: J
Student Drug and Alcohol Violations: JICH
- Students: J
Student Due Process: JKD
- Students: J
Student Expression Rights: JICED
- Students: J
Student Fees Fines and Charges: JQ
- Students: J
Student Gifts and Solicitations: JP
- Students: J
Student Gifts and Solicitations: JP-R
- Students: J
Student Health Services Requirements: JLC
- Students: J
Student Organizations: JJA
- Students: J
Student Records Other District State: JRCA
- Students: J
Student Records Release of Information: JRA-R-JRC-E
- Students: J
Student Records/Release of Information on Students: JRA-JRC-R
- Students: J
Student Tobacco and Nicotine Violations: JICG
- Support Services: E
Student Transportation in Private Vehicle: EEAG
- Support Services: E
Student Transportation Services: EEA
- Students: J
Student Use of the Internet & Electronic Communication: JS
- Students: J
Student Weapons and Dangerous Items Violations: JICI
- Students: J
Student Withdrawal from School - drop outs: JFC
- Students: J
Student Withdrawal from School - drop outs: JFC-R
- Students: J
Students with Special Health Needs: JLCEA
- Students: J
Students with Special Health Needs: JLCEA-R
- Students: J
Suicide Assessment Policy: JKE
- Students: J
Supervision of Students: JLIA
- Fiscal Management: D
Support of Local Community Businesses: DJG-R
- Finance
- Personnel: G
Support Staff Additional Pay and Overtime: GDBC
- Personnel: G
Support Staff Hiring: GDE
- Personnel: G
Support Staff Salary Schedules: GDBA
- Personnel: G
Support Staff Time Schedules: GDK
- Board Governance: B
Suspension of Policy: BGF
- Students: J
Suspension/Expulsion of Students (and Other Disciplinary Interventions): JKD/JKE
- Students: J
Suspension/Expulsion of Students - Hearing Procedures: JKD/JKE-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Tax Shelter Annuity Criteria: DKB-R
- Finance
- Instruction: I
Teaching About Controversial Issues: IMB
- Instruction: I
Teaching Controversial Issues: IMB-R
- Instruction: I
Teaching Methods: IMA
- Instruction: I
Technology Resources Selection and Adoption: IJKA
- Instruction: I
Technology Resources: IJND
- Support Services: E
Telephone Usage: EGAF
- Personnel: G
Temporary and Substitute Support Staff Employment: GDG
- Instruction: I
Testing Programs: ILA
- Instruction: I
Testing Programs: ILA-R
- Support Services: E
Therapy Dogs: EJ
- Students: J
Threat Assessment Policy: JKF
- Foundations Commitment: A
Title IX Complaint Form: AC-E-3
- Students: J
Tobacco, Nicotine and Controlled Substance Delivery Mechanisms: JICA-2
- Students: J
Transport of a Student in an Emergency: JLCF
- Support Services: E
Use of Internet: EHC
- Students: J
Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint: JKA
- Students: J
Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint: JKA-R
- Support Services: E
Use of Private Vehicle on School Business: EEBB
- Support Services: E
Use of School Owned Vehicle: EEBA-2
- Support Services: E
Use of Wireless - Bus Driver: EEAEG
- Support Services: E
Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Employees: EGAF-1
- Support Services: E
Vandalism: ECAC
- Support Services: E
Vandalism: ECAC-R
- Fiscal Management: D
Vendor Relations: DJG
- Finance
- Students: J
Violent and Aggressive Behavior: JICDD
- School-Community Relations: K
Visitors to the Schools: KI
- Board Governance: B
Voting Method: BEDF
- Board Governance: B
Waiver of Superintendent Policy Procedure: BG-R
- Instruction: I
Waiver Prepayment Post-Secondary Enrollment: IHCD-E2
- Support Services: E
Walkers and Riders: EEAA
- Support Services: E
Walkers and Riders: EEAA-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Wellness Policy Guidelines: KB-R
- School-Community Relations: K
Wellness Policy: KB
- Personnel: G
Workers Compensation: GBGD
- Personnel: G
Workers Compensation: GBGD-R
This is placeholder text for the summary of Student Code of Conduct--what the CoC is and how it should be used by staff and families.